Monday, 28 February 2011

Is It Safe to Invest in Diamonds in 2011?

It may surprise you, but there is in fact no better time to invest in diamonds than now. With the recession ending, diamonds are now skyrocketing in value. Normally, diamond value increases by 15% every year, but in 2010 they increased by 48%! This is due to the end of the recession as well as an increasing diamond demand in countries like India and China.

It is a very good idea now to buy diamonds (especially online, because prices tend to be 20%-40% cheaper when buying online, and you never get scammed by the major retailers online). It's much, MUCH safer to buy online than it is to go to your typical New York street jeweler (please don't do that to yourself).

Diamond value is now like a horse running really, really fast. The value just keeps accelerating and nobody is really sure where it will end up. Predictions say that value should return to the normal 15% increase per year in 2013, but one thing's for sure: The prices of diamonds(especially online) will never be this cheap. They are already rising and taking advantage now would be a very wise idea.

Another reason why it's 100% safe to invest in diamonds is because you can very quickly sell them if you're clever. Because online prices are inferior to retail prices, you can easily buy a diamond online and sell it for a profit just 4 months later.

The real question you have to ask yourself is: "Where should I buy my diamonds?"

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