Sunday 6 March 2011

Tips on Writing Powerful Titles and Summaries

If you're into article marketing, I am pretty sure that your primary goal is to attract more traffic to your website. Before you can make that happen, you need to ensure that your target audience will pay close attention to your articles. You need them to open your copies. After that, you need to ensure that they'll read on until they reach your resource box. This is possible if your titles and article summaries are both inviting and downright enticing. Here's what you need to do to make that happen:

Tips on writing powerful titles

* Tell your readers what's in it for them. What kind of information or benefits can these people expect to get from reading your articles? Will your articles help them gain deeper understanding on those topics that they find interesting? Are you going to offer them solutions to their problems? Are you going to shed some light on those things that bother them? Are you going to offer them with free expert tips and advice? Your prospects will surely pay attention if they know ahead of time that they'll benefit from doing so.

* Keep it short. Keep in mind that you only have a couple of seconds to capture the attention of your target audience. So, tell them what your articles is all about using as few words as possible.

* Use keywords. Always use the keywords that you're targeting on your headlines and ensure that they're the first words that your target audience will see.

* Make them attention-grabbing. Whenever possible, make your titles thought-provoking or write them with the aim to push the emotional hot buttons of your target audience.

Tips on writing compelling summaries

Article summary is one of the requirements of major search engines. You can use this to entice even more people to continue reading your articles. Here are some tips on how you can make your summaries more effective:

1. Keep it short. You don't need to give your readers every detail that they need to know on this part. Remember, you would want them to read your articles and that will not happen if you give them every bit of information they need on your article summary. I suggest that you give them enough info to keep them interested but make sure that you leave them wanting for more. Your article summary should contain no more than 5 sentences. It should also contain the main keywords that you're targeting.

2. Get your readers on the edge of their seats. You need to ensure that you'll be able to excite your target audience. I suggest that you ask them compelling questions or thought-provoking statements. Then, tell these people that if they want to get the answers or if they want more info, all they need to do is read your articles until the end.

What You Really Need to Succeed

Succeeding in the field of article marketing isn't easy especially for those people who are just starting out. However, there are things that you need to have and things that you can do to speed up the process of getting the kind of results that you want. These are the following:

1. Patience and determination. There's no way that you can reap success overnight in this endeavor. It may take weeks or even months before you may notice increase in your traffic or improvement in your page ranking. The key here is to never give up. Don't stop writing and publishing articles day after day after day until you can get both the search engines and online users to pay attention.

2. Skills. It's important for you to make sure that you have the right skills before you sink your teeth into this endeavor. These include exceptional writing, proofreading, SEO, and research skills. If you think that your skill level isn't impressive, go ahead and improve it by attending relevant training programs and by practicing everyday.

3. Love for your readers. You must be genuinely interested in helping these people and in giving them nothing but high quality articles. Realize that they are the bloodline of your business and without them, there's no way that you can make decent sales. So, give them what they deserve and they'll surely return the favor by checking out your website and later on, by doing business with you.

4. Time. You need to spend more than just a few minutes everyday on this task if you want to make your article marketing campaign more aggressive. Some people are spending 3-5 hours daily in front of their computer just to ensure that they'll produce at least 5 articles that they can distribute to hundreds of directories. You should do the same.

5. Effective strategies. It's crucial that you know and use effective strategies when writing and distributing your articles online. This will help you make your article marketing campaign more effective and more targeted. Some techniques that you can make use of are the following: using attention-grabbing titles for your articles, using compelling resource box, writing more articles, using more directories, etc. It will help if you can ask expert article marketers for tips. They can surely help you out.

6. Help. Nobody said that you can't ask for help when doing article marketing. You'll be happy to know that right now, there are so many freelancers that you can hire on a per need basis. There are ghostwriters/freelance article writers, keyword researchers, proofreaders, editors, and article submitters. Feel free to take advantage of their services if you think that there's a need for it. Just ensure that you only partner with those individuals or groups of people who have proven track record in this chosen field and those who charge reasonable rates. Remember, you don't need to spend a fortune when outsourcing some tasks.

5 Special Techniques to Attract More Traffic

Just like other people who are offering different products and services in the online arena, online coaches also need to drive as much traffic as possible to their website in order to have a better shot at increasing their sales or sign up rate. One of the best ways to do this is through article writing and submission.

Below are special article marketing techniques that I would like you to know. They can surely help you boost the number of your page views fast.

1. Stick with topics that your target audience will love. Do not look very far when choosing the topics that you're going to write. In order to attract targeted traffic, stick with those subjects related to your coaching services. For example, if you're helping people on how they can cope up after marital break-ups or after losing somebody they love, write about moving on or offer tips on how they can accept things faster and a lot easier. These topics will not only help you give your readers the kind of information that they're looking for, this will also help you showcase your in-depth knowledge in your chosen field.
2. Be creative when writing your titles. You cannot afford to use uninteresting titles for your articles otherwise, your work will be ignored. It's crucial that you can convince your target audience that your articles are important and that they contain valuable information. Make these people feel that they cannot afford to pass up the opportunity of getting the in-depth information that you're going to share with them by making your titles benefit-driven.
3. Impart a slice of your expertise. One of the things that you need to accomplish is to convince people that you're very knowledgeable in your chosen field. That will happen if you load your articles with no-nonsense information. Offer expert tips and advice, in-depth explanation on the things that they're going through, present solutions to their problems, and offer answers to their burning questions.
4. Keep your readers interested. You need to ensure that these people will click the link on your resource box. This will not happen if they close your articles too soon. I suggest that you make each part of your copies worth reading. It will also help if you make your articles interesting to read. Write them using conversational tone. Engage your readers by telling them relevant stories and by writing using your great sense of humor.
5. Combine quality and quantity. Nobody said that doing article marketing is easy. In order to get the kind of results that you're dreaming of, you need to work very hard to produce lots of high quality articles on a daily basis. This is the best thing that you can do to easily get noticed in the online arena. This can surely lead to better exposure, better rankings from Google, and more traffic.


3 Compelling Steps to Make Your Campaign More Powerful and More Aggressive

There are so many individuals and group of people who are into article marketing these days. However, not all of them are getting the same exact results. I know some people who are getting unlimited exposure and enormous traffic while there are others who are not as lucky as the first group. Well, the difference usually lies on the strategies that they're using and the amount of time and energy that they're putting into this endeavor. If you want to get more out of this (more traffic, better page rank, better branding, stronger online presence, more sales leads, and more exposure) you need to find ways on how you can make your article marketing campaign more aggressive. These tips will surely help:

Write more articles

As you might already know, the number of links that you'll be able to build for your website will largely depend on the number of articles that you produce. More articles will mean more inbound links. This is the reason why I always encourage article marketers, particularly the new ones to write as many articles as they can on a daily basis. Well, you can start with 1-3 and increase your output until you can comfortably write 5-10 articles per day. I wouldn't lie about it; the whole thing can be really exhausting and mentally draining but you can be assured that your effort will pay off in as little time as possible. If you think that this is something that is impossible for you to do, go ahead and find individuals or group of people who are offering article writing services. Sign up with those who have the needed skills and expertise and those who have proven track record in this field. They can write and publish your articles for $5-$10 each.

Use high quality articles all the time

Some article marketers tend to sacrifice the quality of their articles when they're pressured to write 5-10 copies everyday. Tell you what; this is something that you CANNOT do as quality remains to be the most important element in article marketing. Keep in mind that if your readers are not very impressed with your content and with the way your articles were written, they'll close your copies even before they reach your resource box. That's the last thing that you would like to happen, right? So, give it your best shot when writing your articles. Ensure that they're well-written, filled with useful information, and that they're very engaging.

Ask for feedback

Care to know what your readers think about your articles and what experts think about your article marketing campaign. Welcome their suggestions, comments, and even criticism. Believe me, you're going to learn from them. Give them an email address that they can use for this purpose. This is the first step to knowing and later on, converting your weaknesses into strengths.

Saturday 5 March 2011

The Basics To Building A Six-Figure Affiliate Business Online

Affiliate marketing is one of the fastest and cheapest strategies in the world for making big money quickly. Now although you don't have to put together your own sales funnel and delicately put together all of the intricate details required to make it run successfully, you do have to master the art of choosing the right products to promote. You may think the key to success is just promoting a few products and letting other people's funnel take over, but the truth is you still have to do some work in order to maximize your results, after all, your goal is to become a super-affiliate, not just someone making a few sales here and there.

Here are five steps that you should strongly consider if you want to make lots of money selling affiliate products:

Find three products (low-priced, mid-priced, high-priced)

You want a range of products simply because some people won't be willing to part with lots of money, but they may be willing to part with $10-$20, and this is where you come in and offer a lower-priced ebook product. You also want higher-priced products for those people who are dedicated to improving their results as quickly as possible.

Build a blog with a free opt-in product

Starting a blog and driving traffic to it is the next step to success, and you want to set up a blog with lots of product-related content that people can benefit from. On this blog you want to have an opt-in page where people can get access to a free product, and when they sign up this is when you can start to advertise your affiliate products.

Create a well written email sequence

Your email autoresponder system is what will sell people on your products, so take time to learn how to write compelling copy that gets people clicking on links inside your emails.

Introduce your products sequentially as solutions to problems in the emails

As you send high-quality content to your leads, you want to introduce commonly encountered problems that people who are interested in your niche experience, then simply make suggestions for the affiliate products that you are selling. The more painful these problems seem, the more people are likely to buy the products, so learn how to tug at emotions so that you will compel people to click and read your affiliate sales letters.

Rinse and repeat

This is the sequence that can make you lots of money as an affiliate, once you've set up a great email campaign and created some traffic-generating materials, simply rinse and repeat with a different niche or in a sub-niche of your favorite niche.


Article Marketing Secrets - How to Write for Article Marketing Sites

As an article marketer, I am pretty sure you know that the best places to get your articles published would be on article marketing sites or directories. Thus, it's very important that you know what's acceptable and what's not in these sites. This is to ensure that your articles will not be rejected. Surely, you don't want to waste your precious time revising and resubmitting your articles over and over again until they'll get accepted, right?

Here's how you can write for article marketing sites:

1. Read their terms of service. Before you'll be given a contributor access, you will need to sign up an account on those sites that you intend to use. You'll be presented with their terms of service where you can learn about their do's and don'ts. Take the time to really read these and ensure that you fully understand their requirements. It will help if you write down quick notes that you can refer to later on.
2. Plagiarism is a big no-no. Article marketing sites are very strict when it comes to content duplication. They are now using very reliable tools when testing the originality of the articles that they receive. They'll reject your copies even if just a part of them was copied from other online resources. So, don't even think about copying other's work. Learn how to share your thoughts and ideas using your own words.
3. No blatant ads please. The idea behind article marketing is to impart a slice of your in-depth knowledge on your article body and not to talk about your products and services until you reach the resource box. Publishers will reject your articles if you mention specific brand names and if you insert links pointing to other websites.
4. Keep it short but not too short. Some people will write super short articles in order to save lots of writing and research time. You can also do this but ensure that each of your articles contain no less than 300 words. Also, ensure that your articles are informative and very meaty. They must not contain fluffs or irrelevant information that your readers will not appreciate.
5. Follow 2% keyword density. Don't be one of those people who overload their articles with too many keywords in the hopes that they can improve the rankings of their articles fast. To be frank, this isn't the way SEO goes. You have better chances of securing better page ranking if your follow the acceptable keyword density and if you place your keywords on places where search spiders can easily find them.
6. Proofread your articles. Publishers will not do the proofreading and editing for you. So, ensure that your articles are ready to be published once you submit them. Ensure that they do not contain grammar and spelling errors. It will also help if you ensure that every part of your article is worth reading.


Article Marketing Secrets - Using a Compelling Resource Box Is a Must

There are just so many things that you need to think about when doing article marketing. One of them is your resource box which serves as the gateway to your website. Too often, this one is either being neglected or abused. Some people will just leave their site's URL there while others offer so many information that their resource box looks like a separate article.

I just like to tell you that resource box is something that you need to take seriously. Remember, your goal here is to convince your readers to click the link that will take them to your website and this will not happen if your author box is boring or downright unimaginative.

In this article, I'll help you create a powerful resource box so you can easily improve your clickthrough rate. Here's what you need to do:

Things you shouldn't include

Let's start with the things that you should NOT include. These are the following:

* A list of your achievements. Keep in mind that your readers do not care about you and they will not appreciate it if you tell them everything that you have accomplished in your career. What these people want to know is what's in it for them. So, instead of focusing too much on loading your resource box with self-serving texts, think on how you can make your readers feel that they're the main focus and that their needs are more important.
* Products or links that are not related to your topic of your articles. Do not pitch in the products or services that are not related to the topic of your articles. Some people who are running more than one ebusiness usually do this. They promote everything that they sell in one article even if they're not related to each other. Well, let me tell you that it will not work to your advantage.
* A list of links pointing to all of your websites. You should only promote one website on each of your resource box and that's the website that is closely related to the topic of your article. Giving your readers a list of websites that you're promoting will not only confuse them but this will also annoy them.

The most important items you should include

* Start your resource box by introducing yourself to your readers and by telling them your areas of expertise. You can say something like; John Doe is a professional dentist practicing in New York for more than 12 years. This will help you establish your authority in your chosen niche that can help in earning the trust and respect of your readers.
* Elevator pitch. Next thing to include is a 2-3 sentence elevator pitch where you can tell your readers your unique selling preposition.
* Call to action. This is the part where you tell your readers what you would like them to do. You may encourage them to visit your website, take surveys, or sign up to your newsletters. Don't forget to include your site's URL.
* Freebies. You can encourage more people to act on your favor if you send them free ebooks, newsletters, or reports that they can make use of.

By the way, do you want to learn more about using articles like this to drive traffic to your website and increase online conversions?