Monday, 28 February 2011

Write From The Heart and Connect With Your Audience

As a nonfiction book and ebook ghostwriter and copyeditor, writing from the heart has always been a challenge for me. I'm one of those "just the facts Ma'am" kind of people. I love to learn and I love to educate, in other words, I'm an information junkie. You may have heard the axiom: Teach what you need to learn. And that's what I often do. So if I teach others how to write from the heart, maybe I'll improve my own skills.

So how do you write from the heart? And why would you want to? First, as readers we get more information on a daily basis than we can handle. So, to decide what we'll read and what we'll discard, we select what appeals most to us. Of course, it depends on why you read what you read-for information, for entertainment, to further your career, to catch up with friends, and so on. Second, writing that affects you most is writing that connects on a personal level. When I share from my heart, you feel it and you get it. When I ramble on from my brain, you quickly disconnect-unless the content is so compelling to you.

Because you want to connect you with your ideal audience, you need to know as much as possible about the ultimate reader of whatever communications you're writing-emails, articles, blogs, ebooks... Why? Because not everyone will respond the same way to the same message, so you'll have to tweak your writing to different target markets.

Of course, if you're writing a memo in a formal business environment, writing from the heart may not be all that well received. Now, you can write sincerely, but you may want to tone down the personal connecting that you would do when writing to a friend. If you're writing an email to your target audience, get clear about who they are, what they want, and what you want to accomplish. That is, what's your purpose? Do you want to impart valuable information and establish yourself as the trusted expert on your topic? Do you want to stay in touch with your audience? Do you want to attract prospects to your website? Do you want to sell a product and make a profit? The clearer you are about the purpose of your writing, the more effective you'll be at reaching that purpose. When you connect with your purpose, you'll connect with your readers. They'll get what you're communicating and respond accordingly.

When you write from your heart and know your audience and your purpose, writing can become a labor of love. When you connect with your audience, your writing is at its most impactful! You're writing for both yourself (to reach your goals) and for others (to serve your market). This is the key to effective communication. Communication is a two-way street, and you're not communicating effectively if what you write is not being heard. So the more you know about your target market, the better you'll be able to write to them so your message will be received.

Therefore, writing from the heart connects you on a personal level with your audience, and writing valuable content connects you on a professional level. Writing from your heart will almost guarantee that what you've written-whether an email, text message, report, article, or ebook-will get read and will make an impact. And in order to do that, just say what's on your mind and in your heart.

© 2011 Andrea Susan Glass and Andrea Susan Glass, owner of WritersWay, is a ghostwriter and copyeditor who specializes in personal and professional development books and ebooks. Claim your Free Instant Access to the special report "10 Quik & EZ Tips on How To Write & Sell an Ebook" when you visit

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