As an article marketer, I am pretty sure you know that the best places to get your articles published would be on article marketing sites or directories. Thus, it's very important that you know what's acceptable and what's not in these sites. This is to ensure that your articles will not be rejected. Surely, you don't want to waste your precious time revising and resubmitting your articles over and over again until they'll get accepted, right?
Here's how you can write for article marketing sites:
1. Read their terms of service. Before you'll be given a contributor access, you will need to sign up an account on those sites that you intend to use. You'll be presented with their terms of service where you can learn about their do's and don'ts. Take the time to really read these and ensure that you fully understand their requirements. It will help if you write down quick notes that you can refer to later on.
2. Plagiarism is a big no-no. Article marketing sites are very strict when it comes to content duplication. They are now using very reliable tools when testing the originality of the articles that they receive. They'll reject your copies even if just a part of them was copied from other online resources. So, don't even think about copying other's work. Learn how to share your thoughts and ideas using your own words.
3. No blatant ads please. The idea behind article marketing is to impart a slice of your in-depth knowledge on your article body and not to talk about your products and services until you reach the resource box. Publishers will reject your articles if you mention specific brand names and if you insert links pointing to other websites.
4. Keep it short but not too short. Some people will write super short articles in order to save lots of writing and research time. You can also do this but ensure that each of your articles contain no less than 300 words. Also, ensure that your articles are informative and very meaty. They must not contain fluffs or irrelevant information that your readers will not appreciate.
5. Follow 2% keyword density. Don't be one of those people who overload their articles with too many keywords in the hopes that they can improve the rankings of their articles fast. To be frank, this isn't the way SEO goes. You have better chances of securing better page ranking if your follow the acceptable keyword density and if you place your keywords on places where search spiders can easily find them.
6. Proofread your articles. Publishers will not do the proofreading and editing for you. So, ensure that your articles are ready to be published once you submit them. Ensure that they do not contain grammar and spelling errors. It will also help if you ensure that every part of your article is worth reading.
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