There are so many individuals and group of people who are into article marketing these days. However, not all of them are getting the same exact results. I know some people who are getting unlimited exposure and enormous traffic while there are others who are not as lucky as the first group. Well, the difference usually lies on the strategies that they're using and the amount of time and energy that they're putting into this endeavor. If you want to get more out of this (more traffic, better page rank, better branding, stronger online presence, more sales leads, and more exposure) you need to find ways on how you can make your article marketing campaign more aggressive. These tips will surely help:
Write more articles
As you might already know, the number of links that you'll be able to build for your website will largely depend on the number of articles that you produce. More articles will mean more inbound links. This is the reason why I always encourage article marketers, particularly the new ones to write as many articles as they can on a daily basis. Well, you can start with 1-3 and increase your output until you can comfortably write 5-10 articles per day. I wouldn't lie about it; the whole thing can be really exhausting and mentally draining but you can be assured that your effort will pay off in as little time as possible. If you think that this is something that is impossible for you to do, go ahead and find individuals or group of people who are offering article writing services. Sign up with those who have the needed skills and expertise and those who have proven track record in this field. They can write and publish your articles for $5-$10 each.
Use high quality articles all the time
Some article marketers tend to sacrifice the quality of their articles when they're pressured to write 5-10 copies everyday. Tell you what; this is something that you CANNOT do as quality remains to be the most important element in article marketing. Keep in mind that if your readers are not very impressed with your content and with the way your articles were written, they'll close your copies even before they reach your resource box. That's the last thing that you would like to happen, right? So, give it your best shot when writing your articles. Ensure that they're well-written, filled with useful information, and that they're very engaging.
Ask for feedback
Care to know what your readers think about your articles and what experts think about your article marketing campaign. Welcome their suggestions, comments, and even criticism. Believe me, you're going to learn from them. Give them an email address that they can use for this purpose. This is the first step to knowing and later on, converting your weaknesses into strengths.
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